
  1. At the end of each session, the student's performance will be evaluated. They will have to appear for written examinations, complete the projects and submit practical work. The aggregate percentage marks will be inclusive of all the examinations i.e. written examination, practical and project works. A student is required to obtain a minimum of 45% marks to pass the examination. If a student fails in viva voce, he/she will not be declared passed, irrespective of passing other subjects. In case a student fails in one subject, he/she will be allowed to take the supplementary examination is only for those students who have secured a minimum of 30% marks in the subject in which he/she has failed and secured 45 % marks in all other subjects. It is mandatory for every student to obtain minimum 36% marks for passing in each subject. It is necessary to obtain 75% marks to get distinction in a subject and 65% marks to be awarded a special certificate.
  2. The students who cannot get though the examination will be asked to leave Bhartendu Natya Akademi. If necessary the Bhartendu Natya Akademy academic council will have the right to change the examination rules from time to time. The academic council will study the examination system and explain to the Director the reasons for the changes made. The decision of the academic council will be binding on the students.

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